Barfield, Owen Saving the Appearances
Bartlett, J & Holloway, E Naturalism and its Alternatives in Scientific Methodology
Beale, G K The Temple and the Church’s Mission
Beale, G K A New Testament Biblical Theology
Briggs, William Uncertainty – The Soul of Modeling, Probability and Statistics
Buell, Jon (ed) Darwinism: Science or Philosophy
Carroll, Sean B Endless Forms Most Beautiful
Chabarek, Michael (OP) Catholicism and Evolution: A History from Darwin to Pope Francis
Chabarek, Michael (OP) Aquinas and Evolution
Chen, Kevin S. The Messianic Vision of the Pentateuch
Collins, C. John Did Adam and Eve Really Exist?
Cunningham, Conor Darwin’s Pious Idea
Darwall, Rupert Green Tyranny
Darwin, Charles The Origin of Species & The Voyage of the Beagle
Davies, Brian The Reality of God and the Problem of Evil
Davies, Paul The Mind of God
Davies, P & Gregersen N H Information and the Nature of Reality
Dembski, William A Being as Communion
Denton, Michael J Evolution: A Theory in Crisis
Denton, Michael J Nature’s Destiny
Denton, Michael J Evolution: Still a Theory in Crisis
Douthat, Ross Bad Religion
Eddington, Arthur Stanley The Nature of the Physical World
Ellul, Jacques Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes
Feser, Edward Aquinas
Flew, Anthony There is a God
Garte, Seymour Where We Stand
Garvey, Jon God’s Good Earth
Garvey, Jon The Generations of Heaven and Earth
Gay, Craig M The Way of the (Modern) World
Gilson, Étienne From Aristotle to Darwin and Back Again
Glover, Gordon Beyond the Firmament
Gordon, B L & Dembski, W A The Nature of Nature
Guinness, Os The Last Christian on Earth
Hannam, James God’s Philosophers
Heisenberg, Werner Physics and Philosophy
Hess, R.S. & Tsumura, D.T. I Studied Inscriptions from Before the Flood
Hill, Clifford The Reshaping of Britain: Church and State since the 1960s
Himmelfarb, Gertrude Darwin and the Darwinian Revolution
Hoffneier, J K & Magary, D R Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith?
Horowitz, Wayne Mesopotamian Cosmic Geography
Johnson, Phillip E. Darwin on Trial
Kuhn, Thomas S The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Lennox, John C God’s Undertaker
Lewis, C S Miracles – A Preliminary Study
Lewis, C S The Abolition of Man
Lewis, C S Studies in Words
Lindberg, D C & Numbers R L When Science and Christianity Meet
Livingstone, David N Adam’s Ancestors
Livingstone, David N Darwin’s Forgotten Defenders
Livingstone, David N Putting Science in its Place
Lovegrove, Roger Silent Fields – The long decline of a nation’s wildlife
Lovejoy, Arthur O The Great Chain of Being
MacKay, Donald M The Clockwork Image
McCabe, Herbert God Matters
McCann, Hugh J Creation and the Sovereignty of God
McGrath, Alister The Reenchantment of Nature
McGrath, Alister Darwinism and the Divine
McGrath, Alister Dawkins’ God: Genes, Memes and the Meaning of Life
Marshall, Perry Evolution 2.0: Breaking the Deadlock Between Darwin and Design
Meyer, Stephen C Signature in the Cell
Meyer, Stephen C Darwin’s Doubt
Middleton, J Richard The Liberating Image
Middleton, J Richard A New Heaven and a New Earth
Murray, Douglas The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity
Nagel, Thomas Mind and Cosmos
Noble Denis The Music of Life
Numbers, Ronald L Galileo Goes to Jail and Other Myths about Science and Religion
Packer, James I Knowing God
Paley, William Natural Theology
Piper J, Taylor J, Helseth PK Beyond the Bounds
Plantinga, Alvin Where the Conflict Really Lies
Polanyi, Michael Personal Knowledge – towards a post-critical philosophy
Premack, D & A Original Intelligence
Richards, Jay W God and Evolution
Rieppel, Olivier Turtles as Hopeful Monsters
Rochberg, Francesca Before Nature – Cuneiform Knowledge and the History of Science
Rossiter, Wayne D Shadow of Oz
Roux, George Ancient Iraq
Russell, Jeffery Burton Exposing Myths about Christianity
Russell, Robert John Cosmology from Alpha to Omega
Sailhamer, John H The Meaning of the Pentateuch
Scruton, Roger Modern Philosophy
Scruton, Roger How to be a conservative
Shapiro, James A Evolution – a View from the 21st Century
Snowden, Edward Permanent Record
Swamidass, S Joshua The Genealogical Adam and Eve: The Surprising Science of Universal Ancestry
Traherne, Thomas Centuries of Meditations
Trueman, Carl The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self
Turner, J Scott Purpose and Desire
Wallace, Alfred Russel The World of Life
Walton, John H The Lost World of Genesis 1
Walton, John H Genesis 1 as Ancient Cosmology
Walton, John H The Lost World of Adam and Eve
Ward, P D & Brownlee, D Rare Earth
Warfield, Benjamin B Evolution, Science and Scripture
West, John G (Ed) The Magician’s Twin
Whitehead, NE & BK My Genes Made Me Do It!: Homosexuality and the Scientific Evidence
Wilcox, David L God and Evolution
Wright, N T Surprised by Hope
Wybrow, Cameron The Bible, Baconianism, and Mastery over Nature
Yockey, Hubert P Information Theory, Evolution and the Origin of Life