The official guide to cultivating Astroturf

Yesterday a consensus was developing across independent commentators that the “popular counter-protests” that drove the Far Right rioters off the streets of our cities were, in fact, a false flag operation. I agree.

There are numerous strands of evidence for this, the first being the implausibility of an entirely shadowy and unpenetrated Far Right organisation being capable of mobilising riots in a purported 100 situations at a couple of days’ notice. Indeed the bugaboo of such an organisation, or organisations, is given the lie by the regime’s failure to identify it except in terms of an EDL that disbanded a decade ago, and to condemn as its leaders public figures such as Nigel Farage, Tommy Robinson and Elon Musk, who have all publicly repudiated violence and, in Farage’s case, even the very legitimacy of public protests.

The untruth of Keir Starmer’s claims about roving bands of agitators (at least from the Far Right) is proven by the sentences handed out to public order offenders, nearly all of whom live within a five-mile radius of the riots. Nobody has been arrested on a train, travelling in a car, or plotting mischief in a Nazi bunker somewhere. Therefore the threat is an invention.

The fraudulence of the “call-to-arms” is shown by the fact that absolutely no crowds, nor even small groups of hooded fascists, turned up at any of the hundred sites, not even the thirty or so where announcements were made of popular counter-protests. It’s not just that nobody wanted a fight – even the angry public who had been reading about the events for two days all stayed home, suggesting that any grapevine the previous protests might have had was entirely silent. In fact, even the head of Hope not Hate, crowing about the positive press coverage for anti-racism, called the thing a hoax, whether as an admission or an observation being unclear.

So where did the much-publicised insurrection call come from? According to left-wing sources, it came from just one anonymous Telegram message, written in that pseudo-football hooligan language indicative of a middle-class source (akin to “Gor Blimey, Guvnor, it’s a fair cop and no mistake, me old cock sparrow” in London crime dramas of the 1940s). The point of real interest is how such a doubtful “source” was, in little more than a day, headlined across the entire mainstream media in near-identical terms, how it mobilised thousands of “mainly peaceful citizens” to be photographed hanging around opposing nobody or haranguing three or four scared passers by identified by the mob, on questionable grounds, of being racists, and how it elicited identical photos and headlines across the press the following day.

Well, for a start the crowds of counter-protestors were not concerned shopkeepers and working class housewives turning out spontaneously: they were organised left-wing activists issued with identical colour-printed anti racism placards, or waving Palestinian and Pride flags (or in some cases machetes and hammers). Even their slogans covered the whole range of progressive causes largely unrelated to the question of mass immigration that underlies the previous troubles. In other words, they were the same crowds regularly mobilised for the Pro-Palestinian protests of the last few months, and were undoubtedly informed of the need for their presence by now well-established communication channels.

A coalition of leftist organisations from the SWP to Mermaids to Hamas might well be anticipated to mobilise such a campaign of counter-protests, and one might even allow that to be labeled as “grass roots” in the limited sense that members of a democracy may well lean left, join parties, and turn out for causes they deem important. But that’s not quite the same as spontaneous unorganised mass-turnouts triggered by some dramatic even like a mass-murder, or else Kristallnacht should be considered a grassroots protest. When the entire apparatus of government and press calls an orchestrated series of left-wing political demonstrations a spontaneous reaction of ordinary people to “defeat” racist Far Right violence, then the whole apparatus is clearly an Astroturf organisation – that is to say, a pseudo-grass roots movement actually led and funded by cynical people behind the scenes for a political purpose.

Those involved are, to a certain level, revealed simply by examining the events themselves. The secret plot for a hundred riots was revealed, across the whole apparatus of the media, soon after a meeting of COBRA, involving government, police, intelligence and, in all likelihood, the Behavioural Insights Team whose role, especially since COVID, has been to suggest mechanisms for compliance in the general population to official narratives. Unless the idiot Starmer believes his own fiction, and really is insisting on his own way (which would at least account for the head of the Met Police storming out of the meeting and wrenching a reporter’s microphone out of its socket), all those participants were well aware that there is no Fifth Column of powerful Far Right operators in this country.

And therefore, in the unlikely event that they were not the people who actually generated the mysterious Telegram post, they were in a position to debunk it, rather than to splash the story across a lockstep news network, complete with an unsubtle uniformity of vocabulary and photograph choice. In other words, it was a crude exercise of State propaganda, intended to deceive and manipulate the public that pays pay them.

But more than that: there is no way that government could take it for granted that the Far Left would mobilise a massive counter-protest so immediately and efficiently, in response to the same news-stories that hinted that responsible citizens ought to turn out to oppose the fictional fascists (rather than warning them to stay home because dangerous terrorism was afoot, and let the police deal with it). This means that the State clearly stands behind the mobilisation of the Rentamob activists. After all, our government, with the CIA, has been organising Astroturf protests to overturn democratically-elected governments since Iran in 1953 – like mass-surveillance, there is no reason to doubt it is now considered suitable for Britain’s own citizens.

That makes the activists, most of whom clearly believe in their Zionist conspiracies with Neo-Nazis, racists, Islamophobes and whatever the generic term for LGBTQ+ophobes is, to be useful idiots for some cause organised by the State, and probably at odds with their beliefs. Whether that means that the State liaises directly with funders like George Sorios, or merely controls the movers and shakers of the radical movement by a snap of its MI5 fingers, in the same way it now controls the media, then it is hard to avoid the implication that what is meant to appear as the confusion of voices in a free society is actually a cynical machine to control the population whilst maintaining an illusion of freedom.

To what purpose is this deceptive mind-control? We can immediately dismiss (as many have already) the official idea that the government is trying to deal with a real Far Right threat. If there were such a threat, the terrorist cells of mindless football thugs would have been infiltrated, arrested, and tried amid great publicity long ago. There would be no need to create a bogeyman like Tommy Robinson as a scapegoat. As I have already shown, they know that there is no such threat.

And therefore, the purpose is by any means to pacify the working class public, whose concerns about mass immigration and its consequences simply must not be addressed. The gullible majority will believe the narrative in the media, and return to watching Love Island or the Olympic Xanax in the assurance that the annoying protests are apparently over, and the dangerous heirs of Oswald Mosley chased off by British decency.

The angrier victims of our national decline will be intimidated by the Antifa or Islamist violence at the counter-demonstrations, knowing it will neither be reported nor punished (for example I see no mention in The Mail today of the sacking and arrest of a Labour councillor in Walthamstow yesterday for urging his counter-protestor audience to cut the throats of the fascists, before closing his rant with three “Free Palestines” and a “God bless you,” amid cheers of agreement).

The people will also, for now, be duly intimidated by draconian penalties, and the more unjust those are, like the woman arrested and convicted on some racist charge in Leeds for bringing ice-pops out to two policemen, the better the controlling effect on the masses. Prosecuting rioters only reminds people not to riot – arresting them for being at a rally, or even for re-tweeting pictures of it, keeps the plebs from even discussing the issues. As we all know, hanging or transporting poachers to Van Diemen’s Land in the early nineteenth century did wonders for law and order in our Dickensian cities.

But why invest so much effort and money in lying to your electors, manipulating them by psy-ops, encouraging an organised and revolutionary-minded Far Left, and leaving all the underlying problems unaddressed? At its simplest, it is because our political class, and its globalist cronies, caused the problems and have no solution. Consequently, the tinder-box is repeatedly kicked down the road in the knowledge that it is most likely to become an explosion under some subsequent government.

As too why a major, and avoidable, issue like mass-immigration should have been allowed to undermine the whole national fabric, I must disagree with Robert Byers’s comment on my last post, and say that it is to do with money and power (both of which, to offset that disagreement, become “roots of all evil” through satanic pride). Our financial system, tied to the West’s debt-based fiat dollar currency, now involves liabilities that can never, realistically, be repaid, and which are escalating daily as our government wastes money on foreign wars, vaccines, immigration hotels, “Fight Racism” placards – and the suicidal and impossible net Zero project. It is bound, sooner or later, to collapse into bankruptcy and societal collapse.

In the meantime, the best solution they have for unproductive industry and a shrinking native population is to import cheap labour from anywhere, even if we end up with a Muslim majority and sharia law. This in turn reduces wages overall and, with money-printing in various forms, builds in the inflation that will to some extent reduce the national debt in real terms. The price of that is the inevitable impoverishment of the population not actually profiteering from all this, as their money becomes worth less and less. In such a situation, all government policy is a sticking-plaster fix. The NHS is bound to deteriorate, but borrowing a few billion for higher medical and nursing salaries will at least keep them off the picket-line. The cities are doomed to become slums, but selling “fifteen minute cities” as a good thing will blind the well-off to the squalor, and mitigate the unaffordability of transport. And censoring social media will stop the peasants talking about it, and focus their minds on this year’s record tractor production on BBC Pravda.

As the carrots run out, the sticks will proliferate, which we see already as all our institutions become sources of fear, rather than of benefit. That fear is maximised by applied behavioural psychology, as we learned during COVID, but even when deception is used, apparently, to bring reassurance (it’s OK – decent people have driven the Nazis off the streets), the knowledge of living in a web of lies destroys society as much as ripping up its history does. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s famous quote is worth committing to memory, because it is now our truth far more than it is Russia’s:

“We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.”

The antidote, for us and for the nation as for Solzhenitsyn, lies in the painful but pure teaching of another wise man:

“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

John 8:31
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About Jon Garvey

Training in medicine (which was my career), social psychology and theology. Interests in most things, but especially the science-faith interface. The rest of my time, though, is spent writing, playing and recording music.
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5 Responses to The official guide to cultivating Astroturf

  1. shopwindows says:

    There may be a new interpretation of being a subject rather than a citizen. You are free to have thoughts but if you seek to publicly express or debate them the right to subjectively incarcerate you may be exercised.

    • Avatar photo Jon Garvey says:

      One of the more worrying cases to me was the woman arrested for re-tweeting the name of the Southport killer that turned out to be wrong. It was apparently for passing on “misinformation” rather than hate. Nobody appears concerned that there is no way of cross-checking news you read on social media, any more than there is on the BBC website.

      So if the BBC tells me, from the US security services, after 1/2 an hour, that the would-be assassin of Trump was Thomas Crooks – that information apparently having come from a national firearms database against which there is a law – then if that turns out to be a wrong identification, all the news agencies, bloggers and private citizens who pass the name on appear to be punishable by law here.

      No wonder so many US voices from Joe Rogan and Elon Musk down are looking at Britain as a totalitarian state.

  2. shopwindows says:

    Pavel Durov. Ross Ullbricht. David Aaronovitch. Nick Lowles.

  3. shopwindows says:

    Smythson, Alexander Graham Bell. Wells Fargo. Tim Berners-Lee.

  4. Avatar photo Jon Garvey says:

    Far Right Thugs, the lot of ’em!

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