Socialism = monopolist corporatism

One of the things that marks the satanic nature of the globalist “democratic” agenda, which we must attribute in spades to Keir Starmer as both an avowed supporter of the WEF and a past member of the Trilateral Commission, is the obsessive concealment of its aims from the people, the demos. True, all the unpalatable global aims are on public display on the relevant organisations’ own websites, as I’ve pointed out many times before. But control of the media, both curating the narrative and supplying distractions hedonistic and dystopian, ensures that most people remain in the dark. The real reason for mass immigration, for example – that is covering up an accumulating debt crisis by cheap labour whilst serving some weird anti-racist ideology – must be concealed in every way possible as either morally imperative or non-existent.

So the question of the week has been why Starmer’s government wants to target huge numbers of already beleaguered family farmers with Inheritance Tax that’s guaranteed to put them out of business either at a stroke, or over a generation. Labour politicians have hinted at a belief that farmers are money-grabbing capitalists (and the smaller shoestring enterprises presumably kulaks). And the fact that an equal amount to that anticipated to be raised by the tax (“for the NHS” as Rachel from Accounts said) is actually earmarked as aid for farmers elsewhere in the world sounds kind of socialist too, if you believe that African and Asian farmers are proletarians, and English farmers class-enemies.

Likewise, a budget that kills jobs and impoverishes the majority is claimed, in a mysterious way, to be a budget for growth. Yesterday, though, a tweet from Sir Keir spelled out what he really means. It said that he was determined to make Britain an investment hub for the world, by making it attractive to investors like… Black Rock. Now Black Rock already owns much of the world, including vast tracts of the land in Ukraine made available by the bloodshed the globalists have caused there. It is, par excellence, the epitome of globalist monopolist corporatism, determined to own the whole world if at all possible. It is the Fat Cat that will consume the planet, if it can. It is what socialism was invented to destroy.

I do not need to spell out how a corporation like that does not, ever, benefit the common people, but only the insanely wealthy few and their political and NGO hangers on. Think of how the COVID scam was managed – you paid and obeyed, and the corporations profited and did as they pleased.

Accordingly we can treat the farmers’ dilemma as paradigmatic of the goverment’s – the Labour government’s – overall economic aims. Family concerns, that have sustained the culture and livelihood of the nation for centuries by their labour, are the only real source of agricultural innovation. Check out BBC’s Countryfile, which though insufferably woke, does at least demonstrate many examples of family farmers using their initiative to stay in business, benefit the environment, preserve valuable bloodlines and so on. These farms will be taxed into selling up to Black Rock and its ilk, in order to establish housing estates for immigrants (not a racist comment – the native population is shrinking and doesn’t need more housing), or renewable and subsidised energy sites, or at best industrialised Big Food production facilities, with profit as the sole corporate ethic – forget your organic apples.

In other words, the policy is the intended means for fulfilling the hackneyed WEF adage, “You will own nothing and be happy,” the second half of which the Powers already know to be a platitude, since people across the world are increasingly miserable about it.

Under the extreme socialism of the Bolsheviks, the land (and all property, in fact) was stolen from actual people in order to be put into the hands of “The People,” which if they existed at all were simply the party hierarchy in their dachas. At least it had the appearance of socialism.

But under socialist governments now, of which the minority-rule Labour government here is a classic example, land and property are being stolen from actual people in order to be put into the hands of massive globalist corporations. Even socialism’s imaginary “The People” will own nothing. It’s a bit like 1930s National Socialism, really, only it’s Global Socialism (Gaziism, anyone? Churchill’s “nasty Nazis” become “ghastly Gazis”). Once one appreciates the existence of such a programme under the banner of “Socialism” one really has to ask a time honoured question…

What about the workers?

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About Jon Garvey

Training in medicine (which was my career), social psychology and theology. Interests in most things, but especially the science-faith interface. The rest of my time, though, is spent writing, playing and recording music.
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5 Responses to Socialism = monopolist corporatism

  1. Levi says:

    Now that you’ve decrypted this false dichotomy of “capitalist vs socialist,” then riddle me this Second World War victors’ paradox: if Britain and France ‘won’, with their US and Soviet ‘allies,’ why do neither of these societies resemble their former Christian selves, but rather resemble an internationalist bazaar for the benefit of cosmopolitain profiteers, regulated by alien technocratic apparatchiks, in master/slave relations with the ‘population’ (we no longer say ‘people’)?

    After all, “West” and “East” are but two poles of the same internationalist compass. But in 1940, neither Britain, France, and certainly not, Germany used it to navigate. The sleeping internationalist hegemons USA and the Soviet Union, who gobbled each of them all up, did… They shared one and the same moral compass.

    Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Festive Epiphany to you and yours.

    • Levi says:

      Of course, GK Chesterton saw all of this clearly, 100 years ago.

      • Avatar photo Jon Garvey says:

        Well, at the risk of being facile, the answer is simply that our nations all, in one way or another, abandoned Christianity in favour of other things.

        Your suggestion that G.K.C. saw it reminds me of the slight shock i got reading C. S. Lewis’s writing around the time of WWII and realising that the godlessness of my society was simply the natural consequence of what he saw at work.

        The good thing is that it no longer takes sages to see it, whether in time to reverse it remains to be seen. But there is certainly time for individuals to repent and find Christ again.

        Happy New Year to you guys, too.

  2. shopwindows says:

    Eloquence eludes me, verbosity comes easily, I’d like to think a very brief contribution might occur to me but please can I simply applaud the above thread for being the sharpest insight into wars and changing culture, the meaning even of nation states and sides in the kinetic and ideological confrontations of this last 111 years.

    I guess at risk of blunting focus I’d love to get a prescription beyond finding Christ as to how to navigate knowledge, personal advancement, family nurture, SURVIVAL.

    • Avatar photo Jon Garvey says:

      Since Christ is the only Saviour, I’m not sure there is an answer beyond him! But we do need, of course, to embrace the real Christ, the cosmic Christ, the King of kings, rather that simply a pietistic “personal Saviour.”

      The gospel has always been a personal invitation into personal relationship with God, it’s true, which is one thing that distinguished it from Islam, always a mass movement.

      But individuals in Christ are salt and light in families, and then in society, and enough of them living in obedience to their King transform it.

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