Clearing my mind on COVID

I’ve been ploughing through an astonishing tour-de-force review of the literature, both academic and popular, on COVID-19 by the economist Martin Sewell, available here from Researchgate.

It’s pretty readable (despite Sewell’s annoying tendency to turn subordinate clauses into sentences. Which is ungrammatical.), but it is long at 651 pages, of which the last couple of hundred pages is the bibliography. And indeed, the whole is incredibly rich in citations, especially from the scientific literature, including the papers that contradict his conclusion that lockdowns, masks, and vaccines were all both ineffectual and harmful. He is, though, careful to point out their methodological flaws.

No one source could ever reference all that has been usefully said on COVID, but as a compendium of the state of knowledge in 2024, it is worth downloading for reference even if you don’t read it. I have been reading it, though, and am very gratified to find that most of what I’ve written here on the subject since 2020 has been vindicated by the science (as opposed to The Science).

There’s always more to learn, of course, some of which may even have missed the deadline of Sewell’s work (though I’ve only just reached the section on vaccination). For example, Bret Weinstein interviews Kevin McKernan, one of the Human Genome Project researchers, on the potentially globally catastrophic fraud perpetrated by Pfizer in allowing DNA into its commercial vaccine that could transcribe foreign material into the human genome, and then deliberately omitting it from the information submitted to the regulatory authorities.

What I’ve read of Sewell so far makes, if I remember aright, only one mention of the suspicion that the response to COVID-19 was orchestrated by the Intelligence Services centred on the US. New evidence for this theory, which is well-documented in R.F.K. Jnr’s The Real Anthony Fauci, comes from the Dutch Deputy P.M. and Minister for Health, Fleur Agema. She admits that her nation was taking orders from NATO and Dutch counter-terrorism authorities, and it is hard to dismiss such a person as a conspiracy theorist. That is especially true as similar suspicions were raised by Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts a year ago.

If true, such oversight by NATO untangles much of the mystery and, despite the fact that the whole clandestine world of Intelligence is designed to hide truth, a plausible degree of speculation clarifies the level of anti-scientific, anti-human stuff we experienced from 2020 on, even if some of the motives remain cloudy.

Bret Weinstein points out that the main reason Anthony Fauci was by far the best paid US public servant for so long was because his NIH was deeply involved in America’s clandestine bioweapons and biodefence business. He worked with the various Intelligence Services and, of course, elements of the NATO forces that would deploy both offensive and defensive bioweapons in wartime, as well as the Military Industrial Complex that would manufacture them, including especially in this case Big Pharma.

We now know, without a shadow of doubt, that both legal and illegal research was being planned, performed and patented on exactly the kinds of viruses that emerged as SARS-CoV-2, and that some of this work was delegated to low-security labs in Wuhan through Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance company. This avoided US legal restrictions, but it remains unclear how that was squared with working with the Communist government most likely to attack the West.

The panic-stricken “Is it one of ours?” response and the obvious cover-up orchestrated by Fauci, Daszak, Jeremy Farrar et al., and revealed in their e-mail exchanges, suggests that the agent was not released deliberately. It seems that the index case was probably an American researcher in the Wuhan lab, possibly working on an aerosolised vaccine against a SARS-CoV type function-enhanced bioweapon.

If so, that would make the various modelling exercises and government-nobbling before COVID, such as Event 201 in 2019, merely preparations for future defence strategies (at best) or a virological false-flag or globalist genocide (at worst). But even if they were not rehearsals for what actually happened, they were still hiding a reprehensible agenda.

By the time Fauci’s cronies heard about the release of SARS-CoV-2, the cat (rather than the pangolin or the civet) was already out of the bag. Now, it seems from Kennedy’s book that the playbook developed by the militarily-minded, but epidemiologically challenged, “Biological Industrial Complex” was always to suppress panic by suppressing dissent until the MIC could produce a vaccine and save the day for the good old West. This being a wartime strategy, the use of State propaganda and disinformation and the cancellation of human rights across the NATO world would be regarded as a case of “All’s fair in love and war.” And so it was easy for the whole secret apparatus designed for Chinese or Russian bio-attacks to be deployed for a lab-leak by the West’s Intelligence services (already acting as a corrupt deep state), through the military, the oligarchs behind the various industries, and a network of government scientists “in the know,” to put pressure on elected politicians and so produce a lock-step response.

This pre-planning (almost certainly at international level) explains how, for example, massively complex emergency legislation was rolled out within days in countries like ours. It also explains how initially sensible responses, implementing for example the hands-off 2019 WHO pandemic plan and its local iterations, were suddenly and unceremoniously junked around the world by most governments. It seems to me unlikely that everyone was suddenly persuaded by Chairman Xi’s lockdowns or northern Italy’s health system collapse, and a lot more likely that “The Plan” was implemented only at this time. Strategic people like the Chief Scientists, the Prime Ministers, the WHO and the WEF oligarchs would all have got a call from America, perhaps via GCHQ, triggering the whole shebang. The same system periodically rolled out other “advice” like emptying hospitals, sedating the elderly with respiratory depressants, PCR mass testing, mask mandates and so on, as the MIC deemed necessary to control the people. In this way nearly the whole world made exactly the same mistakes.

Now, this was all complicated by the fact that this was not, in fact, a Chinese bioattack, but an own-goal by corrupt and incompetent players political, military and scientific, who knew they were not supposed to be doing this work anyway. The task, therefore, was not only to manipulate the world’s population into what was already a crap security-led pandemic response, but to cover their own guilty backs as they did so. This led to the worst totalitarian aspects of the response, including the suppression of all questioning voices. Who else but the likes of the CIA is so homicidally committed to silencing those who expose its wrongdoing, and so indifferent to human life as routinely to kick off unnecessary bloody wars around the world? Individual lives are of no consequence to such minds, even if they aren’t ideologically persuaded that the world is overpopulated with deplorables.

The poisonous ego-alliance of a corrupt MIC and a notoriously corrupt Big Pharma also plausibly explains the evil path the vaccination programme took, together with the propaganda against more effective medical measures. Since the leak was unplanned, effective vaccines had not been fully developed, but the leak had to be plugged before the finger of suspicion could reveal the truth. Cutting corners on mRNA technology made scientists (like Fauci, in particular), political sharks like the WHO’s Tedros, and vaccine philanthropaths like Bill Gates and the pharmaceutical corporations look like heroes, rather than being revealed as the villains who had caused the problem in the first place. It was clearly hoped by all that indemnifying manufacturers, marginalising adverse-reaction reporting like VAERS, and so on, would somehow keep the lid on the inevitable problems indefinitely. After all, the J.F.K. papers have still not been declassified long after all the participants have died.

At the same time they all capitalised on a business opportunity greater than every war so far. And if you’ve been the beneficiary of the greatest wealth transfer from poor to rich in history, you can be pretty confident of paying off, or seeing off, anything that mere laws can throw at you.

Perhaps the next four years will show whether they can also see off the will of the people, or the overarching justice of God.

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About Jon Garvey

Training in medicine (which was my career), social psychology and theology. Interests in most things, but especially the science-faith interface. The rest of my time, though, is spent writing, playing and recording music.
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