Category Archives: Medicine

She don’t lie, she don’t lie, Cochrane

What started me investigating propaganda and related topics, around nine years ago now, was the strange phenomenon of how public attitudes on sexuality had (ostensibly) been dramatically reversed in just a decade or so, as if by magic. Another decade has shown up many of the mechanisms, such as institutional capture, mass formation and so on. But it still remains strange how it is far easier to sell lies than truth to ordinary people.

Posted in Medicine, Philosophy, Politics and sociology | 6 Comments

The Pauli Principle

In this case I’m referring to the British Principle Trial of Ivermectin, which was pauli planned, pauli executed and pauli applied. Excuse my spell checker.

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Spot the clots

Dr John Campbell has been doing a series of videos on the mysterious post-mortem white clots that embalmers have been finding in bodies since around 2021 (search YouTube for “John Campbell white clots). It’s not often that undertakers get to do front-line research, and even less often that they are cancelled for it. But that’s the world we’re in nowadays.

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Factors in foresight

Clare Craig’s book, Expired, contains the interesting statistic that only 2% of people in the UK opposed lockdown at the time it started. Having been one of that tiny minority, I am greatly surprised that I was quite such an outlier to the norm, and thought it might be worth trying to understand, in retrospect, why it was. I was not, after all, a leading expert in anything apart, perhaps, from the irrelevant content of my published books. Perhaps such an analysis might help others – and even me – to be better prepared when the next catastrophic mistake is advocated by government.

Posted in Medicine, Politics and sociology, Science, Theology | Leave a comment

Don’t all panic at once

There is a scene in Band of Brothers where, after a long period of arduous training under a sadistic strongly disciplinarian instructor, the guys are finally plunged into an intense action in Europe. To their horror the former instructor, now commanding officer, completely falls apart and starts issuing contradictory orders. Fortunately our hero takes over and saves both the situation and the back of the instructor.

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The subtle art of distinguishing conspiracy theories from truth

Another week, and another young sportsman has had an on-field cardiac arrest. In this case it was the 29 year old captain of Luton Town F.C., who apparently has a previous collapse on the pitch with atrial fibrillation, had it surgically ablated, and was passed fit for all activities again.

Posted in Medicine, Politics and sociology, Science | 7 Comments

Book review: Busting Anti-Vax Myths

I had higher than usual expectations whilst I was awaiting my free review copy of this 2022 book by Prof. Oisín MacAmadáin (Expert), not least because the author’s Dublin agent turns out to be related to me by a marriage in Queen Elizabeth I’s time. How unlikely is that? (Well, not that unlikely, since 20 generations ago both of us have 1 million ancestors, around the total population of Ireland at that time, though the fact that both ancestors were Archbishops of Armagh might change the odds a little). Still, that human connection with the author certainly warmed me to the book in advance.

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How did vaccines become sacred cows?

Towards the end of 2021, I did a piece on how the obvious abuses of science and medical ethics in the development and roll-out of COVID genetic medications (aka “vaccines”) had led me to re-evaluate my enthusiasm for vaccines in general.

Posted in Medicine, Politics and sociology, Science | 9 Comments

Lab leak narrative management

Take a look at this piece by a virologist, about his attendance at three virology conferences supposedly discussing the origins of SARS-CoV-2.

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Nature or denature?

There are some lessons to be learned, I think, from a couple of remarkable statistics gleaned from recent surveys. One, from last November, found that only 49.7% of Cambridge students identified as heterosexual, with 11.9% as homosexual and 29% as bisexual. Another, more recently, finds that 10% of British 16-18 year olds would like to change their gender.

Posted in Medicine, Politics and sociology, Science, Theology | 3 Comments