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- Brotherly babies and baptismal bathwater 07/02/2025
- Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to avoid Misinformation 01/02/2025
- All that glisters is not gold 27/01/2025
- Wot a pretty world we live in 25/01/2025
- End times postponed – or not? 20/01/2025
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- Jon Garvey on Permission to hate, Sir
- shopwindows on Permission to hate, Sir
- Jon Garvey on Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to avoid Misinformation
- shopwindows on Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to avoid Misinformation
- Jon Garvey on Confusion over temples produces confusion over worship
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Category Archives: Creation
Wot a pretty world we live in
The same day as someone said to me (not untypically now) that there’s not much good news about in Britain, someone contacted me out of the blue to point out a numerical error – or rather outdated information – in an old post. His update was actually a reminder that if we lift up our eyes to the natural world, we always see good news of abundance, variety and beauty.
Posted in Creation, Science, Theology, Theology of nature
RIP Günter Bechly
I’ve been saddened to hear of the untimely death (in a road accident) of my favourite palaeontologist, Günter Bechly, over in Austria. You can see a report and an appreciation over at Evolution News and Views.
Posted in Creation, Science, Theology, Theology of nature
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Revisiting Genesis cosmology
More seasoned readers of The Hump will remember its emphasis on “origins” before it started to document how the world has finally gone completely mad. One recurring theme was to refute the claim that the Bible, and Genesis 1 in particular, teaches an erroneous “Middle East obsolete science cosmology.” The matter broadly boils down to the proper consideration of genre.
Me on my book
As promised a few weeks ago, the American Gregg Davidson, geologist and writer, has posted the podcast I recorded with him on God’s Good Earth. It may be found here. Check out his own excellent book on interpreting the Creation narrative, The Manifold Beauty of Genesis One.
Posted in Creation, Theology of nature
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Unpluggable gaps?
Earlier this month I wrote a piece on the accusation that ID resorts to a version of the “God of the Gaps” fallacy (whilst repeating my belief that the fallacy is itself largely a fallacy).
Posted in Creation, Science, Theology of nature
Plugging more gaps in the God of the gaps
Last Thursday I was interviewed for a podcast on God’s Good Earth by geologist Gregg Davidson, co-author with Ken Turner of the excellent Manifold Beauty of Genesis One, as well as writing an excellent sci-fi trilogy. The podcast should be online in about five weeks, Gregg says, so I’ll let you know about it when it happens.
Posted in Creation, Philosophy, Science, Theology of nature
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Mind the gap
I’ve written a bit on the “God of the Gaps” fallacy (ie that the accusation is itself a fallacy!) in the past. This post still covers most of the bases. But hearing a recent interview with Denis Alexander, of the Faraday Institute, in which he repeated the fallacy with pejorative reference (as one would expect) to the Intelligent Design Movement, made me think about it again after nine years.
Posted in Creation, Philosophy, Science, Theology
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All flesh is grass
Yesterday a (highly) local landmark met its end, succumbing to a relatively moderate windy night as winter merges into spring. I’ve come to know the ancient ash tree – I suppose 150 years old or more – as “the jackdaw tree” since we moved here fifteen years ago.
Posted in Creation, Theology, Theology of nature
Basic a whole science on one abstract
I eventually read Darwin’s Origin of Species only in 2011, having never before that had much interest in the history of science, but only in the application of the science. That was in the days before I understood just how much scientific “history” is in fact the hagiography of a secular religion.
Posted in Creation, Science
Are we in a simulation? Materialist and theist approaches
The idea that the world is nothing but a “simulation,” akin to that in the Matrix films, has cropped up over the last few years in serious academic papers, in many YouTube videos, and even in comments by Elon Musk. And now it has reached the popular press in the form of this Daily Mail article.
Posted in Creation, Philosophy, Science, Theology, Theology of nature
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