Monthly Archives: November 2020

The marginalized centre

There’s something rather special about you people, though not many Hump readers get to express that in comments. I get around 100,000 hits a year, and particularly in the last few months those have been visits to posts mainly expressing dissidence to the mainstream narrative on COVID, on social justice and on world politics generally.

Posted in Politics and sociology, Theology | 2 Comments

Cultural dementia

Yesterday our MPs, deeply conflicted, but not sufficiently so to check out the data intelligently, voted through another national lockdown. This was despite the well-publicized de-bunking of the doomsday projections made to justify it, the data showing that infections and deaths have both peaked and appear to be on the way down, the latest excess deaths report that confirms we have average deaths for the time of year, and above all the clear evidence that no proper impact assessment has been done, let alone made available to parliament or public.

Posted in History, Politics and sociology, Prometheus, Theology | Leave a comment

Here we go again (in lockstep)

The national lockdown I predicted (from the trajectory of the propaganda drip-feed, not from the data) was announced with another bunch of skewed, and already outdated, apocalyptic projections over the weekend. It is due to be voted on in Parliament tomorrow, but the official opposition are not opposing, and most Conservative MPs appear to have swallowed the “something must be done” line dictated by SAGE’s smoke and mirror displays.

Posted in Medicine, Politics and sociology, Science | Leave a comment