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- Brotherly babies and baptismal bathwater 07/02/2025
- Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to avoid Misinformation 01/02/2025
- All that glisters is not gold 27/01/2025
- Wot a pretty world we live in 25/01/2025
- End times postponed – or not? 20/01/2025
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- Jon Garvey on Permission to hate, Sir
- shopwindows on Permission to hate, Sir
- Jon Garvey on Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to avoid Misinformation
- shopwindows on Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to avoid Misinformation
- Jon Garvey on Confusion over temples produces confusion over worship
Post Archive
Monthly Archives: February 2021
Socialism, capitalism, globalism
First, a notice that The Hump of the Camel is ten years old today! Our Birthday! Happy Birthday! Quite a good age for a blog, I think. You’d be welcome at my party if we weren’t still locked up for our own good. To business. Those of us Brits who lived before the Thatcher era remember the shortcomings of nationalised industry: underfunding, jobsworth mentality, lack of choice and innovation, uncompetitive pricing.
Posted in Politics and sociology
It’s always the models
I’m getting more and more convinced about the centrality of our animal physicality, in everything from benefiting from nature to worshiping God “in spirit and truth.” A rather saddening recent essay suggests that the greatest harm to children from “online education” in lockdown is going to come from “derealisation,” whereby they become increasingly undistinguishing between reality and the virtual world. Worse still they become less able to see that the difference matters. There seems to be a similar problem in the sciences.
Posted in Medicine, Politics and sociology, Science
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Good Creation revisited
A couple of new reviews have appeared on my book Good’s Good Earth, in Studies in Christian Ethics and Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, the latter of which rolls it together with a review of Generations of Heaven and Earth. You can find them by linking to the respective book tabs on the menu above, and clicking on the “Endorsements and Reviews” links.
Posted in Adam, Creation, Genealogical Adam, Science, Theology, Theology of nature
Meeting public expectations
I came across a little-known story about the London Blitz yesterday, best summarised in this article by Londoner Simon Webb, or if you’re impatient of more reading, in his YouTube video on the subject.
Posted in History, Medicine, Politics and sociology, Science
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When will we beat the false positives?
Daily Telegraph headline today: “Covid lockdown to continue until cases drop below 1,000 a day.” It’s accompanied by a graphic projecting the current fall in UK cases to make April 7th the likely date. But there is reason to doubt this optimism.
Posted in Medicine, Politics and sociology, Science
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A sense of place
I’ve just read two books to lift the heart above the media’s COVID monomania, albeit it in a bittersweet way. The second was Meadowland: the Private Life of an English Field, by John Lewis-Strempel, a birthday gift from my daughter. It traces the year in the life of a hay-meadow in Herefordshire as observed by its owner, which resonates with me because I own a hay-meadow in Devon.
Posted in History, Philosophy, Politics and sociology, Science, Theology
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Just a couple of UK-based graphics to consider this wintry Sunday:
Posted in Medicine, Politics and sociology, Science
This is a guest post by Dr Peter Hickman, an experienced UK medical practitioner, and a regular commenter on The Hump. The phrase “every death is a tragedy” has been repeated multiple times by the Prime Minister and other politicians during the 2020/21 SARS-Cov-2 Coronavirus pandemic. What does “every death is a tragedy” actually mean, and is it a useful or appropriate thing to say?
Posted in Medicine, Politics and sociology, Theology
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When public truth becomes subjective
In my last post I wrote about the subjectivisation of truth in the progressive programme. But it would be a mistake to think this is restricted to specific examples like race and gender, because the postmodern element of progressivism extends it to the whole of life. It is all truth that becomes subjectivised to a preferred narrative, not just particular instances. Needless to say, this has profound implications.
Posted in History, Philosophy, Politics and sociology, Theology
Paranoia and Patriarchy
Paranoia is a pretty distressing symptom in its common setting of schizophrenia. My in-laws once went for a house viewing, only to find the place full of scrap metal structures intended to prevent US satellites spying on the owner. But it can occasionally be potentially lethal as well.
Posted in Medicine, Philosophy, Politics and sociology, Science
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