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- Brotherly babies and baptismal bathwater 07/02/2025
- Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to avoid Misinformation 01/02/2025
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- Wot a pretty world we live in 25/01/2025
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- shopwindows on Permission to hate, Sir
- Jon Garvey on Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to avoid Misinformation
- shopwindows on Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to avoid Misinformation
- Jon Garvey on Confusion over temples produces confusion over worship
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Monthly Archives: April 2023
The danger of (post)modern syncretism
The Puritans are (and always were) misunderstood as believing that they were morally or spiritually purer than their fellows. But in fact their basic tenet was rather that there is such a thing as “pure religion,” in the sense of the original gospel of Christ and the apostles untrammeled by syncretistic additions from other religions. This, of course, was the basis for the Protestant Reformation. It is (as the first of Martin Luther’s Wittenberg theses stressed) a religion of repeated repentance leading to constant assurance of salvation.
Posted in Creation, History, Philosophy, Politics and sociology, Science, Theology
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The world’s bent cop?
September 28, 2022 The US ambassador to Sudan has warned of consequences if the northeast African country allows the establishment of a Russian military base on the Red Sea coast. In an interview with the Tayyar newspaper, John Godfrey said “there are some reports that Russia is trying to implement the agreement it signed with ousted President Omar al-Bashir in 2017 to establish a military base along the Red Sea.” He warned that such a move will isolate Sudan from the international community and undermine the country’s interests. “All countries have a sovereign right to decide which other countries to partner with, but these choices have consequences, of course,” Godfrey … Continue reading
Posted in Politics and sociology
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Why some lies take over the world
I’ve written before about the case of Bruce/Brenda/David Reimer and his tragic fate at the hands of Dr John Money and Johns Hopkins University, on this blog in 2015 and 2019, and in my e-book Seeing Through Smoke. I’m reminded of it again by a video about it hosted by Jordan Peterson (himself a psychologist, of course). I think there’s a good case to be made that this cruel fraud, perpetrated upon an unfortunate boy and his whole family with devastating results, is the principle source of the whole societally destructive transgender issue today. Therefore you definitely need to know about it, and I’d like today to try and explore … Continue reading
Posted in Politics and sociology, Science, Theology
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Bombed churches – cui bono?
Whilst my internet connection was down last week, I missed being able to research the Easter missile strike on a village church in Komyshuvakha, Zaporizhzhia oblast, in Ukraine. The Presearch search engine (allegedly private, but evidently programmed for MSM) only gives me pages upon pages about the dastardly Russian outrage, all of course taken uncritically from official Ukrainian sources. That’s the consensus, then, but “the majority is always wrong,” and it just takes a little thought to prove that to be so in this case.
Posted in History, Politics and sociology
Illegal immigration – pros, cons, and legits
In Evangelical circles, there seems currently to be a blanket acceptance that “there is no such thing as an illegal immigrant.” Or at least, those who disagree with such a sentiment usually self-censor, an illiberal situation that applies across the Western world, which according to the prevailing spirit, is divided into good liberals, to whom diversity is strength and immigration highly desirable, and evil racist populists to whom all foreigners are scum.
Posted in Uncategorized
The devil you know, and the devil you don’t
The next crisis being prepared for us by our Western media and governments, it seems, is the inevitability of war with China. We’re being told that China is preparing to take over the world (from us, I suppose – what a diabolical liberty!), so that Taiwan is being groomed as a flashpoint, whilst Tik-Tok is being banned for spying on us, or corrupting us, or something.
Posted in Politics and sociology