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Monthly Archives: March 2023
The British values of fair play and honesty
I’ve not written much on pandemic-related issues recently, though being aware of the risk of “putting the bad times behind” that is now so obvious in daily life. It’s so tempting to try to forget the whole thing, but so dangerous… a bit like the Vietnam War or Iraq really.
Posted in Medicine, Politics and sociology, Science
The astonishing Genesis 1-11
The word from my pastor is that our church will be basing its Sunday teaching for the next few months on Genesis 1-11 – the “Protohistory” (in Gordon Wenham’s usage) or, to quote another OT scholar, “the Old Testament of the Old Testament.”
Posted in Creation, History, Theology
Too far gone to reform
A segment by Tucker Carlson notes how few of the American public, relatively speaking, see the significance of recent news events like the Chinese-mediated rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia, not to mention the alliance now formed between China and Russia. As Tucker points out, we are actually witnessing the end of American (for which, in practice, read “Western”) hegemony in the world. He’s not wrong about the complacency, yet I remain surprised. It seems to me that the very blindness of governments and people alike to this, which resembles Belshazzar’s partying complacency on the eve of defeat by the Medes in Daniel, or indeed Jesus’s analogy between his own … Continue reading
Posted in History, Politics and sociology, Theology
Rules based order
My school friend Murray wrote a scurrilous parody of Manfred Mann’s single My Name is Jack in order to lampoon the teaching staff, and especially the new headmaster, whose first name was Wilfred. He got punished for it, no doubt because he posted it hand-written on a school notice-board, but it was very funny. It began: My name is Wilf, and I live by myselfAt the Royal Grammar SchoolAnd every week I bring youA wonderful new rule.
Posted in Politics and sociology
Universalism and the spirit of the age
“I can’t believe a loving God would actually inflict eternal judgement on sinners.” I heard that remark the other day, the like of which you’ll also have heard frequently in Christian circles, even extending to leading Evangelicals. Somebody responded with a remark about “hellfire preachers,” prompting me to realise that the only “hellfire preachers” most of us have ever encountered are the fictional ones criticised in remarks like that, or manufactured by woke activists to get usually moderate street preachers arrested. A teenage neighbour of mine was actually disciplined by the youth leaders at Spring Harvest once, for telling the non-Christian friend she had brought with her that she couldn’t … Continue reading
Posted in History, Politics and sociology, Theology
The spiritual gift of careful listening
In a comment on another site, on the subject of the mass state-censorship of Twitter comments recently exposed by Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger and others, I happened to speculate that it may not be the bigotry of random individuals that fosters “hate,” as in “hate-speech.” Rather, historically it seems to be that it is when governments and others in authority organise that bigotry, by Jim Crow laws or state propaganda, that lynchings and pogroms occur. Does the anonymous idiot who posts “Everything is a Jewish conspiracy” actually cause synagogues to be flamed, or is it not more the case that ideologically-motivated political leaders making blanket condemnations of Israel and the … Continue reading
Posted in Politics and sociology, Theology
Sherlock the Neocon
Oh dear. It seems that the first globalist was none other than Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective, or at least that the Neocons and Neolibs got their ambitions, if not their limited intelligence, from the great man.
Posted in History, Politics and sociology
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Christian asceticism in suburbia
A good friend of mine predicted a couple of decades ago that the next big thing, in popular religion, would be asceticism. He was, I think, foreseeing a reaction against the rampant hedonism of the times. I think there is indeed an element of that reaction seeping into our culture, so he’s been proven right about the fashion trend, at least to an extent. But I think there is a real, and largely involuntary, asceticism of the truly spiritual kind that is proving to be a necessary Christian accomplishment in our times.
Posted in History, Politics and sociology, Theology
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