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- shopwindows on Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to avoid Misinformation
- Jon Garvey on Confusion over temples produces confusion over worship
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Monthly Archives: July 2023
Exploring the theological status of ancient man (3)
We left the last blog post with a simple “toolkit” from Genesis 1 which, whilst it may not “define” man in the way Aquinas sought to do, certainly describes him theologically in a way that enables us to interrogate the archaeological record for biblically human origins.
Posted in Creation, History, Science, Theology, Theology of nature
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Exploring the theological status of ancient man (2)
Let’s start our exploration by considering the scant information Genesis contains on what it took to be a human being “in the beginning.”
Posted in Creation, Science, Theology, Theology of nature
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Exploring the theological status of ancient man (1)
When I wrote The Generations of Heaven and Earth, whose central theme is the Genealogical Adam and Eve paradigm, I spent some pages discussing the status of those people “outside the garden,” on the assumption that an Adam and Eve around the Chalcolithic period, as suggested by the text, would have had many contemporaries. By that time, after all, and indeed very much earlier, human traces are known from all around the world.
Posted in Creation, Genealogical Adam, Science, Theology, Theology of nature
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Unidentified Aerial Putins
When I last wrote about UFOs (now officially and paradoxically relabelled “UAPs” though, we are told, the government knows they are alien spacecraft and therefore “objects” and not merely “phenomena”), it was in the wake of the release of the “Tic-tac” episode by the Pentagon. I speculated, tongue in cheek, about the possibility that they might simply be the equivalent of interstellar dolphins rather than anything more intelligent.
Posted in Politics and sociology, Science
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How to spot deception before researching it
Words of wisdom for the times by the excellent Nick Hudson:
Posted in Politics and sociology, Science
Refugee crisis hits Springwatch
I’ve remarked from time to time how the BBC series Springwatch (and its other seasonal offshoots) has learned to treat bad-anthropogenic-climate-change as the default explanation for every apparent change in Britain’s natural world, being obligatorily appended to any more scientific explanation that may be to hand. Hence the recurrent phrase, “Apart from the usual causes, like loss of habitat and climate changeā¦”
Posted in Creation, Politics and sociology, Science
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Humpism, not ID, is the real enemy of Science™
What’s the connection between Nigel Farage and the the Intelligent Design Movement? Well none, directly, or else it would certainly have appeared in his Coutts Bank Dossier and been used as further evidence of his unsuitability to be their customer. But conceptually there is a connection, in that what first made me aware of the prevalence of propaganda, disinformation and cancellation in our society was the way that ID was treated by mainstream scientists, their progressive Evangelical acolytes in the form of BioLogos, and broader societal organs like the press and judiciary.
Posted in Creation, Politics and sociology, Science, Theology of nature
A theology of glow-worms
Around ten years ago I realised that I have glow-worms in my garden. To be more exact, in most years I have a glow-worm, because from year to year I’ve never seen more than two at a time, coyly spaced at opposite ends of the terrace of railway sleepers that holds up the ground outside our bathroom window. Most years I see just one, and assume a successful mating the night it goes dark.
Posted in Creation, Theology
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TV pilots doomed at birth
Do you remember the fad, around the 1990s, for makeover programmes of one sort or another? It began with Ground Force, the garden makeover programme that decimated suburban wildlife under hundreds of square miles of decking, and promoted Charlie Dimmock into a “prominent” celebrity.
Posted in Politics and sociology
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How did vaccines become sacred cows?
Towards the end of 2021, I did a piece on how the obvious abuses of science and medical ethics in the development and roll-out of COVID genetic medications (aka “vaccines”) had led me to re-evaluate my enthusiasm for vaccines in general.
Posted in Medicine, Politics and sociology, Science