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Monthly Archives: May 2020
The New Normal – a Brave New World
YouTube algorithms gave me a “blast from the past” last week, in the form of videos by Dr Vernon Coleman. Vernon was writing for the same medical periodicals as I was back in the early eighties, though he started five years before me, and because he gave up clinical practice, was also writing for the major newspapers and producing books long after I eased off on that aspect of my career.
Posted in Medicine, Politics and sociology, Science
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The Vegetable Man
Here’s another lockdown video, in rather sillier vein than the last couple, to cheer up those still confined. It’s another remix of an old song of mine.
Posted in Music, Politics and sociology
Interview on Generations of Heaven and Earth
Peaceful Science has just published an interview-style article on the last book here. Hope you’ll find it helpful.
Posted in Adam, Genealogical Adam, Science, Theology
Save the NHS
That slogan, together with “Stay Home,” has been dropped from England’s political messaging, but it’s an interesting one to focus on a little in the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 saga.
Posted in Medicine, Politics and sociology, Science
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Lockdowns, stable-doors, etc
This is really just recycling the work of others, but since such stuff gets little consistent press coverage, it’s worth pondering on the day when Boris Johnson is set to announce Lockdown v1.02. By all accounts this is more or less the same except for asking the airlines to function under a two-week visitor quarantine rule, and public transport to cover its costs with only 10% of its usual passenger numbers. The new normal, it seems, will have everybody walking and cycling to their old folk’s lunches. Who needs to leave the villages anyway, when the roads are in such disrepair because Road-tax dries up?
Posted in Medicine, Politics and sociology, Science
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Myth-making in action
Today is VE Day, and is notable for the fact that my sax quartet has been deprived of two lucrative engagements at commemorations in two adjacent seaside towns, because of lockdown. What self-sacrifice war engenders!
Posted in History, Politics and sociology
More more music
I’ve posted another remix of one of my songs on YouTube, accompanied by another attempt at video support.
Posted in Music, Politics and sociology, Theology
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Implicit divine sovereignty in Genesis
I entitled my recent book, The Generations of Heaven and Earth, from the words of Genesis 2:4, which is the first “toledot” passage in the book.
Posted in Creation, Theology
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More music…
Since a few people took the trouble to watch my YouTube music video (or at least click on the article containing the link), here’s another. I’ve been re-mastering some old recordings, and some of them seem to lend themselves to visuals and a small YouTube presence. Embedded below the fold.
Posted in Music, Uncategorized
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