Category Archives: Medicine

Corruption fatigue

You’ve heard of “compassion fatigue,” that phenomenon whereby frequent graphic depictions of human misery worldwide compete to be more graphic and frequent until the public eventually becomes saturated, and ceases giving to anything any more. I’m beginning to get a similar sense of saturation at the pervasive deception and corruption in our society.

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The gangsters of science

Perhaps the most perceptive description I’ve seen recently of the national (for which read “Western”) zeitgeist is that the population has just received a software update.

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Ain’t got time to fix the shingles

Just as I thought the NHS had finished chasing me up over vaccinations, I got another letter today. As I explain here, my decision not to get a COVID booster, for the reasons outlined here, led to the NHS totally ignoring my legally registered right not to have my medical records uploaded to the Matrix from my GP. Consequently I received several reminders from a central unit and, in the end, a rather dubious “research” phone call.

Posted in Medicine, Science | 3 Comments

Money talks truth among the lies

You may have heard the story about insurers in one US state finding a 40% increase in young adult deaths for 2021, when vaccines were introduced (as opposed to 2020, when COVID was at its peak). A regular reader has pointed me to this remarkable article.

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Economic (and social) collapse on the ground

Maybe each of us knows one or two people suffering COVID vaccine damage. It’s only when those sufferers are grouped together, for some reason, that one realises the scale of the problem. A YouTuber (now an ex-YouTuber, like so many other cancellations in these fascist times) who usually does shock-jock treatment of current affairs, uncharacteristically did a very quiet and sober piece because two young, professional friends had reported severe anxiety states in the wake of the Covid restrictions, acute enough that they had had to abandon their cars because they could not drive. He asked others to share similar experiences.

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Potiphar’s Pfizer prognostications perused

One of the many reasons for blogging so frequently on the state of COVID over the last two years was as a kind of diary of my reactions to the lies being spouted by official sources, so that I could say “I told you so” as and when I was proven right. Obviously that’s a risky strategy if the official sources should turn out to be right.

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Local adverse vaccine reactions

My son planned his wedding over a year ago, reasoning that COVID restrictions would be long-forgotten by then. The mask mandate, in the event was over – with just three days to spare. At least in England, barring the NHS vaccine mandate, which was only cancelled today. Time flies when you’re oppressed, doesn’t it?

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Evil beyond conception

Is Boris Johnson being more liberal regarding COVID because he’s under political pressure from scandal, or is he under political pressure from scandal because he’s being more liberal regarding COVID? Certainly Britain, and specifically England as opposed to the devolved regions, is an outlier amongst the western nations in dispensing with mask mandates, vaccine passports and so on.

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A great COVID overview (doesn’t spare the authorities)

This “deep dive” by Julius Ruechel will give you an excellent handle on why the pandemic is doing just what it is in the various countries of the world at the moment, from which you will be able to make predictions about your own nation. It deals especially with the total disappearance and patchy return of influenza, whether Omicron is genuinely mild or the kind of danger SAGE feared, and how all the lockdowns and vaccines have failed. Overall, the message echoes what I said nearly two years ago: there is a good reason why God gave us an immune system and not a social distancing instinct. You’ll learn far … Continue reading

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Dangerous liars (running the show)

Before the COVID vaccines actually materialised, one of the big doubts from those in the know was that no mRNA vaccine had ever gone beyond the animal testing stage because of severe toxicity, so no such vaccines had been successfully produced. Some of us expressed concern that “Warp Speed” and the British equivalent delivered so quickly only by omitting the animal stages. Now we have had a year or more of experience of them, it’s becoming more obvious than ever that the original doubts were correct – we still haven’t produced an effective mRNA vaccine, or one that isn’t seriously toxic.

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