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- Brotherly babies and baptismal bathwater 07/02/2025
- Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to avoid Misinformation 01/02/2025
- All that glisters is not gold 27/01/2025
- Wot a pretty world we live in 25/01/2025
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- shopwindows on Permission to hate, Sir
- Jon Garvey on Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to avoid Misinformation
- shopwindows on Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to avoid Misinformation
- Jon Garvey on Confusion over temples produces confusion over worship
Post Archive
Monthly Archives: May 2021
Confidential NHS records for sale
Over the last year, I’ve mentioned a couple of times a little noticed announcement by Matt Hancock in Parliament. He said that all NHS medical records were planned to be made available to… well, it wasn’t specified. This was in order to do research and planning, again with no apparent specificity. He rounded off by saying that “the culture of secrecy surrounding medical records has to end.”
Posted in Medicine, Politics and sociology
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Jab count v body count
When I was a GP the drug companies blanket-advertised the wondrous benefits of statins for increasingly normal patients. The NHS guidelines, sadly ultimately under the thumb of Big Pharma, followed suit in incentivising us, with both carrots and sticks, to prescribe them to ever increasing numbers of people with marginal risk factors discovered at increasingly mandated routine checks.
Posted in Medicine, Politics and sociology, Science
Human/vaccine chimaeras?
Here’s some material linking The Hump’s early interest in newly understood processes of evolution and the more recent all-pervading influence of COVID policy on what I write. Any really dedicated readers will remember my enthusiasm for the work of James Shapiro a decade ago, which turns out to have relevance in the COVID vaccine story.
Posted in Medicine, Politics and sociology, Science
Three weeks to beat the NHS (or something)
Today’s government sales-pitch, according to the Telegraph, is “Play your part” Get vaccinated to Beat Indian variant, PM urges public.
Posted in Medicine, Politics and sociology, Science
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Why is India doing so well?
And so the unending cycle continues: this time Boris Johnson warns that lockdown continues (probably) because of the Indian variant, thus proving that as long as micro-evolution exists in Coronaviruses, nothing will stop our lives and economy being put on hold by an ignorant and coercive government. There remains no exit strategy.
Posted in Medicine, Politics and sociology, Science
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Nudge, nudge, wink, wink
I have developed another reason to be suspicious of the promised “freedom” supposedly being unrolled in stages upon Britain’s lockdown. This arose from inadvertently catching a part of Boris Johnson’s announcement of next week’s partial changes, which I usually try to avoid. It was something about being able to hug people as long as they’re the people you’ve been hugging already for months… your children, for example.
Posted in Medicine, Philosophy, Politics and sociology, Science
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SARS-CoV2 – Evolution or Intelligent Design?
There’s a rather significant article on summarising the evidence on SARS-CoV2 origins here, by Nicholas Wade. It’s around 11,000 words, but you guys don’t come here for sound-bites, after all!
Posted in Medicine, Politics and sociology, Science
Gags, jabs and rags
This is just another miscellany of current COVID madness, with some explanation of why it is planned to continue indefinitely.
Posted in Music, Politics and sociology, Science
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Being on the safe side
We now know a lot more about COVID than we did last year, which makes it easier to follow the science in health policy, as our government is doing with the help of the country’s leading behavioural psychologists and theoretical modellers. Well, mainly political analysts, actually, guessing what will make them look least like idiots for ruining the economy.
Posted in Medicine, Politics and sociology, Science
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Evolutionary theology
An essay of mine has just been published at Sapientia as part of a symposium in response to John Schneider’s Animal Suffering and the Darwinian Problem of Evil, overseen by Kevin Vanhoozer.
Posted in Creation, History, Philosophy, Science, Theology of nature
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